
ANATOMIST, THE(ISBN=9780345456892) 英文原版 fb2 地址 mobi pdf txt 下载 chm 极速



ANATOMIST, THE(ISBN=9780345456892) 英文原版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780345456892
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-12
  • 页数:250
  • 价格:108.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  "Hayes’s history of the illustrated medical text “Gray’s

Anatomy” coincides with the hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of its

first publication. Fascinated by the fact that little was known

about the famous book’s genesis, Hayes combed through

nineteenth-century letters and medical-school records, learning

that, besides Henry Gray, the brilliant scholar and surgeon who

wrote the text, another anatomist was crucial to the book’s

popularity: Henry Vandyke Carter, who provided its painstaking

drawings. Hayes moves nimbly between the dour streets of Victorian

London, where Gray and Carter trained at St. George’s Hospital, and

the sunnier classrooms of a West Coast university filled with

athletic physical therapists in training, where he enrolls in

anatomy classes and discovers that “when done well, dissection is

very pleasing aesthetically.” - The New Yorker

"All laud and honor to Hayes....In perusing the body's 650

muscles and 206 bones, he has made the case that we are, as the

psalmist wrote, "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that

dissection has an aesthetic all its own. The act of carving open a

body becomes, in this context, a perverse act of love, a

desecration that consecrates "the extraordinary, the inner

architecture of the human form." - The Washington Post

"How do you write a book about someone about whom next to nothing

is known? For most writers, the answer would be move on to the next

subject. But Bill Hayes has an unusual set of skills. The author of

previous books on insomnia and blood, he is part science writer,

part memoirist, part culture explainer. “The Anatomist,” his

appealing new book about the man behind Gray’s Anatomy, combines

his search for the remaining traces of Henry Gray with a memoir of

his own experience as a dissection student and a scalpel’s-eye tour

of the body." - The New York Times

"Some of [Hayes's] most memorable writing describes the

dissection classes he attended in San Francisco. We are treated to

a selection of fascinating anatomical snippets about, for example,

how to trace evidence of the sealed hole in the fetal heart through

which the mother's blood enters; or how to find the kidney in a

cadaver; or that blood flowing out of the heart is first used to

feed the heart itself; or, best of all, a structural analysis of

how the Queen manages to deliver such a uniquely restrained wave."

- Nature: The International Weekly Journal of Science

The classic medical text known as Gray’s Anatomy is one of the

most famous books ever written. Now, on the 150th anniversary of

its publication, acclaimed science writer and master of narrative

nonfiction Bill Hayes has written the fascinating,

never-before-told true story of how this seminal volume came to be.

A blend of history, science, culture, and Hayes’s own personal

experiences, The Anatomist is this author’s most accomplished and

affecting work to date.

With passion and wit, Hayes explores the significance of Gray’s

Anatomy and explains why it came to symbolize a turning point in

medical history. But he does much, much more. Uncovering a treasure

trove of forgotten letters and diaries, he illuminates the

astonishing relationship between the fiercely gifted young

anatomist Henry Gray and his younger collaborator H. V. Carter,

whose exquisite anatomical illustrations are masterpieces of art

and close observation. Tracing the triumphs and tragedies of these

two extraordinary men, Hayes brings an equally extraordinary

era–the mid-1800s–unforgettably to life.

But the journey Hayes takes us on is not only outward but

inward–through the blood and tissue and organs of the human

body–for The Anatomist chronicles Hayes’s year as a student of

classical gross anatomy, performing with his own hands the

dissections and examinations detailed by Henry Gray 150 years ago.

As Hayes’s acquaintance with death deepens, he finds his

understanding and appreciation of life deepening in unexpected and

profoundly moving ways.

The Anatomist is more than just the story of a book. It is the

story of the human body, a story whose beginning and end we all

know and share but that, like all great stories, is infinitely rich

in between.




  Bill Hayes is the author of the national bestseller Sleep

Demons: An Insomniac’s Memoir and Five Quarts: A Personal

and Natural History of Blood. His work has been published in

The New York Times Magazine and Details, among other

publications, and at Salon.com. He has also been featured on many

NPR programs as well as the Discovery Health Channel. He lives in

San Francisco. Visit the author’s website at







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  Advance praise for The Anatomist

  “In his cunningly structured, beautifully written anatomy of

Gray’s Anatomy, Bill Hayes dissects the body’s secrets, the lives

of two great nineteenth-century explorers of those secrets–and some

of his own obsession as well. A lovely book.”

  –Andrea Barett, author of Ship Fever

  “Bill Hayes has written a thrilling book that is simultaneously

an autobiography, a biography of Henry Gray, a scientific essay on

our human anatomy, and a heart-breaking elegy. I do not know

another book like it.”

  –Richard Rodriguez, author of Hunger of Memory

  “The Anatomist is many things: a study of the body after life has

left it, a chronicle of scientists obsessed with the subject, and,

in a heartbreakingly personal way, a memoir. It is also a

reflection about how little was known about disease not that long

ago. Finally, it is a biography of an anxious, neurotic, enormously

sympathetic young anatomist from another time who changed medicine.

This is a wonderful book.”

  –Robert M. Sapolsky, author of A Primate’s Memoir

  “Hayes pays eloquent tribute to two masterpieces: the human body

and the book detailing it. . . . [He balances] biographical

chapters with his own experience in the anatomy classroom,

dissecting cadavers and marveling at each new discovery with prose

both lucid and arrestingly beautiful.”

  –Publishers Weekly


"Hayes’s history of the illustrated medical text “Gray’s Anatomy” coincides with the hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of its first publication. Fascinated by the fact that little was known about the famous book’s genesis, Hayes combed through nineteenth-century letters and medical-school records, learning that, besides Henry Gray, the brilliant scholar and surgeon who wrote the text, another anatomist was crucial to the book’s popularity: Henry Vandyke Carter, who provided its painstaking drawings. Hayes moves nimbly between the dour streets of Victorian London, where Gray and Carter trained at St. George’s Hospital, and the sunnier classrooms of a West Coast university filled with athletic physical therapists in training, where he enrolls in anatomy classes and discovers that “when done well, dissection is very pleasing aesthetically.” - The New Yorker

"All laud and honor to Hayes....In perusing the body's 650 muscles and 206 bones, he has made the case that we are, as the psalmist wrote, "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that dissection has an aesthetic all its own. The act of carving open a body becomes, in this context, a perverse act of love, a desecration that consecrates "the extraordinary, the inner architecture of the human form." - The Washington Post

"How do you write a book about someone about whom next to nothing is known? For most writers, the answer would be move on to the next subject. But Bill Hayes has an unusual set of skills. The author of previous books on insomnia and blood, he is part science writer, part memoirist, part culture explainer. “The Anatomist,” his appealing new book about the man behind Gray’s Anatomy, combines his search for the remaining traces of Henry Gray with a memoir of his own experience as a dissection student and a scalpel’s-eye tour of the body." - The New York Times

"Some of [Hayes's] most memorable writing describes the dissection classes he attended in San Francisco. We are treated to a selection of fascinating anatomical snippets about, for example, how to trace evidence of the sealed hole in the fetal heart through which the mother's blood enters; or how to find the kidney in a cadaver; or that blood flowing out of the heart is first used to feed the heart itself; or, best of all, a structural analysis of how the Queen manages to deliver such a uniquely restrained wave." - Nature: The International Weekly Journal of Science

The classic medical text known as Gray’s Anatomy is one of the most famous books ever written. Now, on the 150th anniversary of its publication, acclaimed science writer and master of narrative nonfiction Bill Hayes has written the fascinating, never-before-told true story of how this seminal volume came to be. A blend of history, science, culture, and Hayes’s own personal experiences, The Anatomist is this author’s most accomplished and affecting work to date.

With passion and wit, Hayes explores the significance of Gray’s Anatomy and explains why it came to symbolize a turning point in medical history. But he does much, much more. Uncovering a treasure trove of forgotten letters and diaries, he illuminates the astonishing relationship between the fiercely gifted young anatomist Henry Gray and his younger collaborator H. V. Carter, whose exquisite anatomical illustrations are masterpieces of art and close observation. Tracing the triumphs and tragedies of these two extraordinary men, Hayes brings an equally extraordinary era–the mid-1800s–unforgettably to life.

But the journey Hayes takes us on is not only outward but inward–through the blood and tissue and organs of the human body–for The Anatomist chronicles Hayes’s year as a student of classical gross anatomy, performing with his own hands the dissections and examinations detailed by Henry Gray 150 years ago. As Hayes’s acquaintance with death deepens, he finds his understanding and appreciation of life deepening in unexpected and profoundly moving ways.

The Anatomist is more than just the story of a book. It is the story of the human body, a story whose beginning and end we all know and share but that, like all great stories, is infinitely rich in between.



































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