
- ISBN:9787111095057
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2002-06
- 页数:576
- 价格:35.60
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:暂无开本
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
This book describes the TCP/IP protocol suite, but from a different perspective than other texts on TCP/IP Instead of just describing the protocols and what they do, we'll use a popular diagnoshc tool to watch the protocols in action. Seeing how the protocols operate in varying circumstances provides a greater understanding of how they work and why certain design decisions were made. It also provides a look into the implementation of the protocols, without having to wade through thousands of lines of source code.
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Layering
1.3 TCP/IP Layering
1.4 lnternet Addresses
1.5 The Domain Name System
1.6 Encapsulation
1.7 Demultiplexing
1.8 Client--Server Model
1.9 Port Numbers
1.10 Standardization Process
1.11 RFCs
1.12 Standard, Simple Services
1.13 The Internet
1.14 Implementations
1.15 Application Programming Interfaces
1.16 Test Network
1.17 Summary
Chapter 2. Link Layer
2.1 lntroduction
2.2 Ethernet and IEEE 802 EncapsuIation
2.3 Trailer Encapsulation
2.4 SLlP: Serial Line IP
2.5 Compressed SLIP
2'6 PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol
2.7 Loopback Interface
2.8 MTU
2.9 Path MTU
2.10 Serial Line Throughput Calculations
2.11 Summary
Chapter 3. IP: Internet Protocol
3.1 Introduction
3.2 IP Header
3.3 IP Routing
3.4 Subnet Addressing
3.5 Subnet Mask
3.6 Special Case IP Addfesses
3.7 A Subnet Example
3.8 Ifconfiq Command
3.9 netstat Command
3.10 IP Futures
3.11 Summary
Chapter 4. ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
4.1 Introduction
4.2 An Example
4.3 ARP Cache
4.4 ARP Packet Format
4.5 ARP Examples
4.6 Proxy ARP
4.7 Gratuitous ARP
4.8 arp Command
4.9 Summary
Chapter 5. RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
5.1 tntroduction
5.2 RARP Packet Format
5.3 RARP Examples
5.4 RARP Server Design
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6. ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol
6.1 Introduction
6.2 ICMP Message Types
6.3 ICMP Address Mask Request and Reply
6.4 ICMP Timestamp Request and Reply
6.5 ICMP Port Unreachable Error
6.6 4.4BSD Processing of ICMP Messages
6.7 Summary
Chapter 7. Ping Program
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Ping Program
7.3 IP Record Route Option
7.4 IP Timestamp Option
7.5 Summary
Chapter 8. Traceroute Program
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Traceroute Program Operation
8.3 LAN Output
8.4 WAN Output
8.5 IP Source Routing Option
8.6 Summary
Chapter 9. IP Routing
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Routing Prlnciples
9.3 ICMP Host and Network UnreachabIe Errors
9.4 To Forward or Not to Forward
9.5 ICMP Redirect Errors
9.6 ICMP Router Discovery Messages
9.7 Summary
Chapter 10. Dynamic Routing Protocols
10.1 Intfoduction
10.2 Dynamic Routing
10.3 Unix Routing Daemons
10.4 RIP: Routing Information Protocol
10.5 RIP Version 2
10.6 OSPF:Open Shortest Paih First
10.7 BGP:Border Gateway Protocol
10.8 CIDR:Classless Interdomain Routing
10.9 Summary
Chapter 11. UDP: User Datagram Protocol
11.1 Introduction
11.2 UDP Header
11.3 UDP Checksum
11.4 A Simple Example
11.5 IP Fragmentation
11.6 ICMP Unreachable Error (Fragmentation Required)
11.7 Determining the Path MTU Using Traceroute
11.8 Path MTU Dlscovery with UDP
11.9 Interaction Between UDP and ARP
11.10 Maximum UDP Datagram Size
11.11 ICMP Source Quench Error
11.12 UDP Server Design
11.13 Summary
Chapter 12. Broadcasting and Multicasting
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Broadcasting
12.3 Broadcasting Examples
12.4 Multicasting
12.5 Summary
Chapter 13. IGMP: lnternet Group Management Protocol
13.1 Introduction
13.2 IGMP Message
13.3 IGMP Protocol
13.4 An Example
13.5 Summary
Chapter 14. DNS: The Domain Name System
14.1 Introduction
14.2 DNS Basics
14.3 DNS Message Format
14.4 A Simple Example
14.5 Pointer Queries
14.6 Resource Records
14.7 Caching
14.8 UDP or TCP
14.9 Another Example
14.10 Summary
Chapter 15. TFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol
15.1 Introduction
15.2 ProtocoI
15.3 An Examp1e
15.4 Security
15.5 Summary
Chapter 16. BOOTP: Bootstrap Protocol
16.1 Introduction
16.2 BOOTP Packet Format
16.3 An Example
16.4 BOOTP Server Design
16,5 BOOTP Through a Router
16.6 Vendor-Specific Information
16.7 Summary
Chapter 17. TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
17.1 Introduction
17.2 TCP Services
17.3 TCP Header
17.4 Summary
Chapter 18. TCP Connection Establishment and Termination
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Connection Establishment and Termination
18.3 Timeout of Connection Establishment
18.4 Maximum Segment Size
18.5 TCP Half-Close
18.6 TCP State Transition Diagram
18.7 Reset Segments
18.8 Simultaneous Open
18.9 Simultaneous Close
18.10 TCP Options
18.11 TCP Server Desjgn
18.12 Summary
Chapter 19. TCP lnteractive Data Flow
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Interactive Input
19.3 Delayed Acknowledgments
19.4 Nagle Algorithm
19.5 Window Size Advertisements
19.6 Summary
Chapter 20. TCP Bulk Data Flow
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Normal Data Flow
20.3 Sliding Windows
20.4 Window Size
20.5 PUSH Flag
20.6 Slow Start
20.7 Bulk Data Throughput
20.8 Urgent Mode
20.9 Summary
Chapter 21. TCP Timeout and Retransmission
21.1 lntroduction
21.2 Simple Timeout and Retransmission Example
21.3 Round-Trip Time Measurement
21.4 An RTT Example
21.5 Congestion Example
21.6 Congestion AVOldance Algorithm
21.7 Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery Algorithms
21.8 Congestion Example (Continued)
21.9 Per-Route Metrics
21.10 ICMP Errors
21.11 Repacketization
21.12 Summary
Chapter 22. TCP Persist Timer
22.1 Introduction
22.2 An ExampIe
22.3 Silly Window Syndrome
22.4 Summary
Chapter 23. TCP Keepalive Timer
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Description
23.3 KeepaIive Examples
23.4 Summary
Chapter 24. TCP Futures and Performance
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Path MTU Discovery
24.3 Long Fat Pipes
24.4 Window Scale Option
24.5 Timestamp Option
24.6 PAWS:Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers
24.7 T/TCP: A TCP Extension for Transactions
24.8 TCP Performance
24.9 Summary
Chapter 25. SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Protocol
25.3 Structure of Management Information
25.4 Object Identjfiers
25.5 Introductfon to the Management Information Base
25.6 Instance Identification
25.7 SimpIe Examples
25.8 Management Information Base (Continued)
25.9 Additional Examples
25.10 Traps
25.11 ASN.1 and BER
25.12 SNMP Version 2
25.13 Summary
Chapter 26. Telnet and Rlogin: Remote Login
26.1 Introduction
26.2 Rlogin Protocol
26.3 Rlogin Examples
26.4 Telnet Protocol
26.5 Telnet Examples
26.6 Summary
Chapter 27. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
27.1 Introduction
27.2 FTP Protocol
27.3 FTP Examples
27.4 Summary
Chapter 28. SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
28.1 Introduction
28.2 SMTP Protocol
28.3 SMTP Examples
28.4 SMTP Futures
28.5 Summary
Chapter 29. NFS: Network FiIe System
29.1 Introduction
29.2 Sun Remote Procedure Call
29.3 XDR:External Data Representation
29.4 Port Mapper
29.5 NFS Protocol
29.6 NFS Examples
29.7 NFS Version 3
29.8 Summary
Chapter 30. Other TCP/IP Applications
30.1 Introduction
30.2 Finger Protocol
30.3 Whols Protocol
30.4 Archie, WAIS, Gopher, Veronica, and WWW
30.5 X Window System
30.6 Summary
Appendix A. The tcpdump Program
A.1 BSD Packet Filter
A.2 SunOS Network Interface Tap
A.3 SVR4 Data Link Provider Interface
A.4 tcpdump Output
A.5 Security Considerations
A.6 Socket Debug Option
Appendix B. Computer Clocks
Appendix C. The sock Program
Appendix D. Solutions to Selected Exercises
Appendix E. Configurable Options
E.1 BSD/386 Version 1.0
E.2 SunOS 4.1.3
E.3 System V Release 4
E.4 Solaris 2.2
E.5 AIX 3.2.2
E.6 4.4BSD
Appendix F Source Code Availability
The ARP reply is thus sent directly to the requesting host; it is not ordinarilly broadcast (see Section 4.8 for some cases where this rule is altered).
internet这个词第一个字母是否大写决定了它具有不同的含义。internet意思是用一个共同的协议族把多个网络连接在一起。而Internet指的是世界范围内通过TCP/IP互相通信的所有主机集合(超过1 0 0 万台)。 Internet是一个internet,但internet不等 于Internet。
IP has a simple error handling algorithm: throw away the
datagram and try to send an ICMP message back to the source.
以太网数据帧的物理特性是其长度必须在4 6~1 5 0 0字节之间,而数据帧在进入每一层协议栈的时候均会做一些封装。
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