
购物迷:销售与营销新型心理学 Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780470095195
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2007-01
- 页数:209
- 价格:198.90
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:精装
- 开本:暂无开本
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
"The genius of Joe Vitale has never shone brighter. This thoroughly documented and easy-to-read book is the first of its kind. Vitale gives you the keys to their minds. All you have to do is turn the keys. They said 'yes' to you long before you said a word and they were begging to buy from you shortly after you uttered your first sentence. Buying Trances is an exciting ride to the edge of the mind. His finest work to date."-Kevin Hogan, author, The Psychology of Persuasion and Covert Hypnosis
"This book maps marketing's final frontier-the customer's mind-and exposes the buying trance. Frankly, this may be the smartest marketing book ever written."-Dave Lakhani, coauthor, Persuasion: The Art of Getting What You Want
"As with all of Vitale's books, there are magical secrets chucked out like a mad Vegas poker dealer on every page. Not only will you learn to put people into buying trances with this book, the act of reading it will put you in a trance and force you to master it."-Mark Joyner, #1 bestselling author, The Irresistible Offer: How to Sell Your Product or Service in 3 Seconds or Less
"Vitale's expertise in hypnotic marketing combined with his extensive research challenges the reader on many different levels. He forces you to delve deeper into the benefits of creating a buying atmosphere and a trance-like desire on the part of your prospect. I found this an absolutelyfascinating book."-Joseph Sugarman, President, BluBlocker Corporation
"Buying Trances is not your run-of-the-mill marketing book. It's an exceptionally well-written, well thought out, high-level work that gives the reader unique insights into how to capture a prospect's attention. Cutting-edge stuff that is a must for every serious marketer to absorb and implement."-Robert Ringer, author, To Be or Not to Be Intimidated?: That Is the Question
"Vitale's understanding of how and why people think and act like they do is remarkable. Byunscrambling complex ideas and explaining them in simple language, he reveals how to fashion messages that will turn people into compulsive buyers of our products and services. Now we can take control and create the buying trance. It's a totally refreshing and very effective approach to hugely profitable sales and marketing!"
-Winston Marsh, veteran Australian marketer
Joe Vitale is President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., a marketing consulting firm. He has been called the "Buddha of the Internet" for his combination of spirituality and marketing acumen. His professional clients include the Red Cross, PBS, Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital, and many other small and large businesses. His other books include The Attractor Factor, There's a Customer Born Every Minute, and Life's Missing Instruction Manual, all from Wiley. Learn more at www.mrfire.com.
Foreword by Kevin Hogan.
Author's Strange Introduction.
Got Trance?
The World's Largest Private Collection of Hypnosis Books.
The Man with the Golden Helmet.
The Truth about Why People Buy.
The Nude Wizard of Moneymaking Appeal.
How I Discovered the Buying Trance.
How to Uncover Someone's Current Trance.
The Story of the Portable Empire.
Conversational Trances: The Four States of Mind.
How to handle Resistant Prospects.
The 10-Second Trance Induction.
Who Else Wants to Write a headline That Always Works?
What Is the All-Time Best Trance Inducer?
How to Get People to Buy Virtually Anything.
How to Create a Magical On-the-Sport Buying Trance.
The Most Important chapter in This Entire book.
The Hypnotic Power of Agreement.
Don’t Read This Chapter.
Listen to This: How to Create Buying Trances for Radio.
Watch This: How to Create Buying Trances for Television or Video.
A Secret Buying Trance Induction.
The Surprise Gifts: A Revealing Summary.
Bonus Special Report—The One-Sentence Persuasion Course Blair Warren.
About Dr. Joe Vitale.
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Praise for Buying Trances
"The genius of Joe Vitale has never shone brighter. This thoroughly documented and easy-to-read book is the first of its kind. Vitale gives you the keys to their minds. All you have to do is turn the keys. They said 'yes' to you long before you said a word and they were begging to buy from you shortly after you uttered your first sentence. Buying Trances is an exciting ride to the edge of the mind. His finest work to date."
-Kevin Hogan, author, The Psychology of Persuasion and Covert Hypnosis
"This book maps marketing's final frontier-the customer's mind-and exposes the buying trance. Frankly, this may be the smartest marketing book ever written."
-Dave Lakhani, coauthor, Persuasion: The Art of Getting What You Want
"As with all of Vitale's books, there are magical secrets chucked out like a mad Vegas poker dealer on every page. Not only will you learn to put people into buying trances with this book, the act of reading it will put you in a trance and force you to master it."
-Mark Joyner, #1 bestselling author, The Irresistible Offer: How to Sell Your Product or Service in 3 Seconds or Less
"Vitale's expertise in hypnotic marketing combined with his extensive research challenges the reader on many different levels. He forces you to delve deeper into the benefits of creating a buying atmosphere and a trance-like desire on the part of your prospect. I found this an absolutelyfascinating book."
-Joseph Sugarman, President, BluBlocker Corporation
"Buying Trances is not your run-of-the-mill marketing book. It's an exceptionally well-written, well thought out, high-level work that gives the reader unique insights into how to capture a prospect's attention. Cutting-edge stuff that is a must for every serious marketer to absorb and implement."
-Robert Ringer, author, To Be or Not to Be Intimidated?: That Is the Question
"Vitale's understanding of how and why people think and act like they do is remarkable. Byunscrambling complex ideas and explaining them in simple language, he reveals how to fashion messages that will turn people into compulsive buyers of our products and services. Now we can take control and create the buying trance. It's a totally refreshing and very effective approach to hugely profitable sales and marketing!"
-Winston Marsh, veteran Australian marketer
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