
(冷眼看企业)THE BOMBAST TRANSCRIPTS: Rants and Screeds of Rageboy fb2 地址 mobi pdf txt 下载 chm 极速



(冷眼看企业)THE BOMBAST TRANSCRIPTS: Rants and Screeds of Rageboy书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780738206332
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2002-12
  • 页数:278
  • 价格:55.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


While Locke's semantic antics will have you in stitches, his real aim is the jugular--via a triple bypass that transplants business, media, and social mores into a carnivalesque landscape of the imagination where con-ventional logic bellies up and flatlines. Part scathing sendup of commercial techno-fetishism, part hysterical standup on the theme of spiritual bankruptcy, part intimate memoir of a remarkably vibrant and uncom-promising life, The Bombast Tran*s will

rock you, shock you, and leave you deeply pondering what The Economist once called "the wisdom of RageBoy."


Author's Note and List of Unindicted Co-Conspirators

Introduction: Dr. Paracelsus, I Presume


Reading the Dictionary

Winter Solstice

I Was a Teenage Brain Surgeon

RageBoy@ Tells All

Pattern Recognition


Signs and Portents

Dust My Broom

Bad Science, No Pictures

She Moves in Mysterious Ways



I Have a Dream: An Interview with Corporate Legal

Ships in the Night: The 666 Exit Interview

50-Minute Hour

The Cover Letter

Uniquely Qualified

Welcome to the Weather Channel

On Getting It

DiChirico Fends Off the Spectral Bats of Andalusia

China Rising

Our Snack with Andre


Two Guys in a Bar

Sex Rears Its Ugly Head

Omar Reads the Net

Faster Horses!

Moe Ron Hubbard on Diuretics

Bopp till You Drop

An Interview with Mr. Ed

Talking Cure

Tonight on Cary Ling Jive!

Writer's Bloc


Trip Report

Celebrate Responsibly

Clues You Can Lose

Red Shift Blues

Music Appreciation








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Chris Locke is author of Gonzo Marketing,co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto, and editor/publisher of the widely acclaimed and justly infamous webzine, Entropy Gradient Reversals. He has worked for Fujitsu, Ricoh,the Japanese government's "Fifth Generation" artificial intelligence project, Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute, CMP Pub-lications, Mecklermedia, MCI, and IBM. Named in a 2001 Financial Times Group survey as one of the "top 50 business thinkers in the world,"he has written for a wide variety of publications, including Forbes, The Industry Standard,Information Week, Harvard Business Review,and Release 1.0. He lives in Boulder, Colorado.He can be reached at clocke@panix.com orvisit his website at http://www.rageboy.com.


Book Description

From the hilarious to the sublime, the essays and observations of cultural commentator extraordinaire, Chris "RageBoy" Locke. }In more ways than one, Chris Locke has raised a godawful racket on the Net. Under his alter-egotistical nom de plume, RageBoy, and through his webzine, Entropy Gradient Reversals, he has entertained and enlightened thousands of readers from some of the world's largest companies, governments, and institutions-including those from which he's managed to escape.Now for the first time in browser-free format, The Bombast Transcripts brings together the best of his worst. And his worst is very good indeed. Marvel as one of America's foremost social critics interviews pop-media superstars such as IBM's Lou Gerstner, Sayanarology's Moe Ron Hubbard, Godzilla, Mr. Ed, and, in a twisted hall-of-mirrors tour de force, RageBoy himself. Tremble in awe as mysteries of the universe unfold, from thermodynamics and cutting-edge neurophysiology to sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll. Thrill to obfuscation so arcane you'll need to be sedated. Laugh so hard you'll think you have been.

While Locke's semantic antics will have you in stitches, his real aim is for the jugular-via a triple bypass transplanting business, media, and social mores into a carnivalesque landscape of the imagination where conventional logic bellies up and flatlines. Part scathing send-up of commercial techno-fetishism, part hysterical stand-up on the theme of spiritual bankruptcy, part intimate memoir of a vibrant and uncompromising life, The Bombast Transcripts will rock you, shock you, and leave you pondering what The Economist once called "the wisdom of RageBoy."From the Bombast Transcripts: "Wandering barefoot on the Lower East Side of New York, over a thousand dollars cash in my pocket, looking to score, bring back for the holy freaks the one good thing. Odysseus adrift. Also in my pocket, the Tarot, the Waite deck I'd just bought that day. I went into The Eatery on Second Avenue and my waitress saw the cards. 'I was raised by Gypsies,' she said. 'I will tell you about the trumps if you like.' I had just dropped another tab and had little time left I knew, but she sat with me and pointed to each of the major arcana, the Lovers, the Fool, the Tower, Death. Then stopped.

From Amazon.com

With The Bombast Transcripts, Christopher Locke (a.k.a. RageBoy, that iconoclastic cybervoice of dissonance, disdain, and all things provocative) is leaping from your screen to your bookshelf. Look out. The scathing rants from the creator of Entropy Gradient Reversals--probably the most wittily outrageous, cryptically observant, and eagerly puzzled-over Web zine ever to pollute the airwaves--are explosive.

As a tag, screed is only partly accurate for the contents of this volatile collection; they're long harangues, all right, but by no means monotonous. Listen in as Locke lets his alter ego loose in friendly chat with IBM's Lou Gerstner (well, actually an exit interview with Lew Firstner, pompous and clueless chairman of the 666 Corporation). As he not-so-clearly illustrates what "getting it" means (by pondering T.S. Kuhn, voodoo ceremonies, and a sacred space you can't enter with your mind on, let alone your shoes). And as he gleefully admits that most of his readers "seem to enjoy abstruse and obfuscatory exegeses on themes that utterly elude them" but apparently "alleviates their anxiety about not knowing anything that wasn't covered by Geraldo." Don't be insulted; be alleviated. Locke may indeed be the Web's most acerbic gonzo journalist and techno-semiotic social critic, but he's also written for Forbes; worked for MCI, Ricoh, and the Japanese government's AI project; and been named one of the top 50 business thinkers in the world. If you missed out on this cyberpundit's irreverent rants the first time around, catch him now (if you can). As Locke himself reminds us, "Being totally insane is hard work. People don't realize that." They should now.

                              --S. Ketchum

From Publishers Weekly

RageBoy, the cyber-handle of gonzo-journalist Locke, has collected here his online columns, mostly from his Web zine, Entropy Gradient Reversals. Entries range from the autobiographical (his LSD and drinking years, followed by his own weird version of sobriety) to mock-interview (his chats with TV horse Mr. Ed or "Moe Ron Hubbard, father of Diuretics and Sayonaralogy"). Favorite targets include corporate culture (which he'd consider an oxymoron) and academic posturing (his "Snack with Andr?" imagines situationist philosopher Guy Debord as Port Authority panhandler DeMerde; his piece "deriding Derrida" exposes French postmodernists as so many "petty control freaks"). While his rants take potshots at a variety of cultural sacred cows (including a wicked analysis of America's fondness for the Weather Channel), it's Locke's own history as an early artificial intelligence/cyberspace pioneer that informs his most damning critique the co-optation of the Internet. In the early days, people who knew how the Internet worked "were mainly using it to fuck off We thought it was important to fuck off." They wanted the Internet to be different from all the other media, a place to "tell stories" about things that mattered, like "heaven, earth, man, woman." But it wasn't long before the "marketing boys" took over, reducing the Net to just another way to sell product. Resurrect William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski and Ken Kesey, add a dash of Dilbert and that's RageBoy. Though it's not for everyone, this "browser-free format" may bring in new audiences. (Feb.)Forecast: This work will be popular with college kids at places like Berkeley readers of Locke's earlier Gonzo Marketing may not get these rants.

Book Dimension

Height (mm) 210 Width (mm) 140



































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